Thursday, May 21, 2009

good fortune

I was fortunate enough to buy a home that had tons of Lily-of-the-Valley planted in the side yard. We moved into our small Seattle bungalow on a snowy day in November, so I didn't discover this delightful little perk until May of the next year. I decided to use a small amount to create a bouquet. The reason I only used a small amount is simply for the fact that it's not easy to "harvest". The plant is made up two large leaves with the tiny stem of bright white, amazingly fragrant bells slightly hiding between the two. It takes many of these stems to form a small bouquet. I would estimate I used around 40 to 50. I wrapped the stems in an ivory satin ribbon adorned with a mother of pearl buckle shaped like a clover. Simple and elegant with the most amazing fragrance.

Monday, February 9, 2009


I have a love for pottery. I don't quite know when this affection started but I think it may have something to do with a sweet piece of Red Wing my grandmother gave to me many years ago. Since then, I've collected a few more pieces and rotate them throughout the house. I had originally thought I was going to start a floral business that would include a line of simple arrangements displayed in an original piece of pottery. Although the price would be a bit higher than those ordered with a glass vase, the pottery is an antique, a piece of decor that could be used now and passed down to others in the future. So, this idea has been swirling in my head and I so badly want to go in this direction, but then I'm stopped. I'm stopped by the fact that not everyone would appreciate these pieces. What if one of these vases or pots ended up in the wrong hands and wasn't displayed or cherished as I cherish them? I bought a few Red Wing and McCoy vases and planters this year with the intent on using them for customers. My husband said right off the bat "you'll never sell those", knowing that I would love them too much to give them up. I fear he's right.

Westside Baby

My neighbor invited me to volunteer for Westside Baby's annual tea benefit this past weekend. In addition to volunteering time, I brought along a few arrangements to place at the event. The wreath was hung from the front podium and the other two were placed at the registration table and the bathroom. The tea was wonderful and very well attended.

This organization is like no other. They focus on working with established social service organizations to provide new and gently used equipment, clothing, toys, books and most importantly diapers to babies in need. One way I'm planning to give is by holding a diaper drive at work. To learn more about how you can assist this special team of extrordinary folks and most importantly babies in need please visit their website.